
Call for Presentations

Oct 30, 2023, 19:47 by AuthorName LastName
The Society is looking for session proposals for the upcoming Symposium. Presentation outline proposals will be accepted through January 12, 2024.

Would you like to share your expertise with hundreds of benefits professionals at the 43rd Annual Employee Benefits Symposium? The Society is accepting presentation proposals to curate an educational experience that reflects the diverse skills, interests and backgrounds of the employee benefits profession. If you are a benefits industry professional and an experienced, engaging presenter, here’s what we’re looking for:

  • ​“Hot” industry topics and issues, new techniques, strategic viewpoints, case studies and emerging trends
  • Topics of interest to and aimed at knowledgeable, experienced corporate benefits and compensation professionals.
  • Topics that focus mainly on answers, results or solutions and ROI, not the (often well-known) problems or issues. 
  • A mid-to-advanced level presentation that can be covered in a 60-minute session, including time for questions.
  • A "deep dive" into a critical benefits-related topic. Symposium attendees look for topics at an in-depth level they haven't heard anywhere else.
  • An objective presentation that does not give the appearance of endorsing any particular company or product.

How Content is Selected

The submission process is very competitive. Proposals are assessed with two main standards: content level, and content objectivity. The session description and learning objectives you provide are critical to the assessment process.

Content Level:  Symposium attendees are experienced professionals and look for a deep dive into the content.  Proposals describing or covering information at a "basic" or "overview" level, or topics intended for an early-career professional are not likely to be a good fit for this audience.

Content Objectivity: Proposals must be written in a manner that recognizes the value of objective education, free from any promotion of a specific company, platform or service represented by the speaker(s). The Education committee takes this metric very seriously and will not consider any proposal with a sales or promotional slant.

We receive a large volume of proposals each year, and proposals not meeting these standards will not be selected.

Who is the Symposium audience?

  • Diverse.  Attendees represent corporations, consulting firms, health care organizations, hospitals, banks, insurance companies and brokerages, investment and administration firms, along with multiemployer and public employee benefit plans, and other organizations involved in the employee benefits space.
  • Experienced. A typical Symposium attendee has 10 or more years of experience and looks for topics at the mid-to-advanced level.
  • Engaged.  Many attendees have, or are pursuing the CEBS, GBA, RPA or CMS designation in the U.S. or Canada.

Submitting a Presentation Proposal

In order to ensure that each proposal is received and considered by the education committee, we require all proposals to be submitted using this form.

Required components include speaker contact information, a session title, topic description and three takeaways or learning outcomes.

There is no limit to how many proposals can be submitted. Each proposal must be submitted individually. Selection of proposals and speakers will be determined in April 2023.

Additional Questions and Answers About Submitting a Proposal

Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The International Society is committed to a culture that embraces diverse experiences and perspectives. Full DEI Statement

Our Partnership With Presenters

Producing a successful Symposium is a collaborative effort between ISCEBS and its presenters. To ensure a mutually beneficial Symposium, we hold our presenters and ourselves to these commitments:

We expect presenters will:

  • Work closely with ISCEBS staff prior to the Symposium and meet all deadlines
  • Be able to attend the event in-person
  • Adhere to federal, local or the venue's health and safety requirements
  • Recognize that an educational session is an opportunity to share information and should not give the appearance of an endorsement of a particular business, service or product
  • Make no substantial changes in session content or format, or change or add presenters without prior approval of ISCEBS staff
  • Design and provide a high-quality PowerPoint presentation, easily readable in print and a conference room, in electronic format, by the deadline given (a pdf version of the presentation is not acceptable).
  • Participate in the process to submit your session for continuing education (CE) approval for different states/provinces and professions. You may be asked to complete state-specific forms and provide additional information.
  • Understand that their presentation will be reproduced in its entirety for attendees
  • Keep in mind that members of the media may be in attendance
  • Acknowledge they are available to speak during any timeframe of the Symposium and as such will not request a time or date change if selected.

In return, ISCEBS will:

  • Supply audiovisual equipment (such as a laptop, microphone and projector) for your session
  • Reimburse expenses for one session speaker in accordance with ISCEBS policy. Reimbursement is not available for any co-presenters, regardless of session length or number of sessions.
  • Provide a complimentary registration for the Symposium, which includes educational sessions, meal and networking events and the CEBS Conferment
  • Provide you with your evaluation scores and feedback after the conference
  • Provide a platform for professional visibility while we collaborate to make a valuable contribution to the industry’s collective knowledge.

If you have questions about the submission process or the Symposium in general, please contact us at [email protected] or (262) 786-8771.