Local Chapters

ISCEBS has more than 40 local chapters, or communities, throughout the U.S. and Canada. These groups offer members a variety of perks and services, targeted local benefits education and a chance to be seen as a benefits subject matter expert in your local area.

Discover what doors will open for you by adding membership to your local chapter when you join the Society!

Looking to volunteer with the organization?

Local chapters are run by volunteers and offer a prime opportunity to give back to your professional association, increase your local benefits network presence and give your organization some positive ROI through your involvement.

  1. Volunteer for a leadership role within a local chapter.
  2. Meet new benefits people—both within your specialty area and beyond.
  3. Gain personal and professional benefits as a result!

Choose a region to find a chapter near you

Join a Chapter and Network with Your Peers

Annual local chapter dues for Society members and students range between $25-$60.

To join, join online or email your application to the International Society at [email protected].

  • CEBS graduates.
  • GBA, RPA, or CMS designees.
  • Active CEBS Students.

You can find out more about the CEBS program at www.cebs.org.