Hall of Fame Nomination

The International Society has a rich history of dedicated members supporting the mission and vision of the CEBS® program, the International Society and the local chapter network.

The Hall of Fame award recognizes Society members who hold the CEBS, GBA, RPA or CMS designations who have shared their time and talents to further the education and professional expertise of those working in the employee benefits field.

Nominate a member for this honor today!

The following criteria will be considered in selecting a nominee for the Hall of Fame:

  • Service to the local benefits community through chapter volunteerism.
  • Leadership in the International Society, International Foundation and/or local chapters.
  • Championing and mentoring for the CEBS program.
  • Other industry contributions.
  • Significant part of nominee's career spent working in the benefits profession.

Nominations are accepted through March 31, 2025. Late submissions will not be considered.

  • Individuals may be nominated by Society members, colleagues or a family member.
  • Self-nominations will not be accepted.
  • All nominations must be submitted using the form on this page.
  • The online form does not support attachments.

Details Matter!

The descriptions you provide below for the nominee should paint a clear and persuasive picture of their contributions. A focus on the results, outcomes and impact the person has had on the community of benefits professionals will help the nomination stand out, especially as the nominee may not be personally known or familiar to the committee members. (Need examples? Look at the "what their peers say" section of previous inductees here.)

While a nominee’s LinkedIn profile, CV or bio is a good overview of their career, you’re encouraged to use your own experience with the nominee to convey their qualifications in your own words.

Don’t worry if you’re not sure about the details of their service (for example, which national committees they served, or other roles, or specific dates). Society staff will provide that information to the committee to complement the narrative you provide here for a complete picture of this person’s contribution to the Society and CEBS.