Alberta Chapter Webinar

April 17, 2024 8:00 AM-10:00 AM

Chapter Event Webcast

Learning and Development Opportunities in a New Erra of Retirement
April 17, 2024
9:00 am MST

Join the Alberta Chapter on April 17th at 9:00 am MST for a webinar "Learning & Development Opportunities in a New Era of Retirement." Our speaker is Kyra Jones, Chief Design Officer at Adapt with Intent.

As roughly one-fifth of Canada's workforce approaches traditional retirement age, organizations are facing a pressing challenge: the impending departure of experienced professionals. Without robust systems to transfer knowledge to younger cohorts, there's a real risk of losing valuable institutional knowledge. As many people reconsider what it means to retire, there's an opportunity to pioneer mentorship and collaborative learning methods that can preserve this invaluable wisdom. Join us as we explore innovative strategies aimed at reshaping mentorship, fostering learning and growth, and creating mutually beneficial learning and development arrangements for employers and employees.



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