Financial Planning for a Healthy Retirement
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM ET
Free to International Foundation and ISCEBS members
Plan members no longer need to settle for a one-size-fits-all approach to retiring. A panel of experts will provide a preview of the two-part “Health, Wealth and Happiness” preconference workshop being offered at the 57th Annual Canadian Employee Benefits Conference.
This workshop is designed to help plan members:
- • Shift their mindsets from planning for retirement to designing a longevity lifestyle to meet their unique needs
- • Learn about the aging process and what they can do now to better prepare their minds and bodies for the future
- • Learn how to convert savings into retirement income.
Roland Chiwetelu
Associate Director, Financial Wellness
Eckler Ltd.
Tyler Amell
Chief Health and Strategy Officer, MediKeeper Inc.
Adjunct Faculty, Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences
Kyra Jones
Chief Design Officer
Adapt with Intent, Inc.
Joyce Odidison
President and Chief Executive Officer
Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc.

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